Hooped Through Jumping

Suspended grid of 80 hula hoops and musically synchronised release

Electrowerkz, London, 2003

After grid was dropped on crowd, viewers twisted and turned the structure en masse until it was a squashed and distorted mess lumped onto the floor. One viewer had a pair of scissors and started to separate the hoops. Much attempts at solo twisting resulted. (video footage coming soon)

Background projections by Em_Space. Live music from Nick, Alex, Bob and Paul

Apologies to Stuart for massacaring the start of his DJ set.

"Tonight is a night that demonstrates the potential the live format holds, about the way a group of musicians can shine, show off their skills, but also be so much more. It's about the way music, art, performance, sculpture and architecture can live together, feed off each other, and complement each others' vital force. " (No Ripcord)



If You Get Too Nervous...

Having No Friends Isn't Something You Can Talk About With A Friend

Counter Encounter

Body Language Playing Cards

Social Whirls

No Splashing

Lycra Headspace

Hooped Through Jumping




Shared Friend

Push Button Across

Social Life Insurance




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